
Fishbonelive.org is the most comprehensive resource on Fishbone and contains exhaustive information on past and future Fishbone concerts since 1983.  

Fishbonelive.org is not officially affiliated with Fishbone, though it benefitted from some level of collaboration and support from the band and its management over the years.  Do not contact us for any matter regarding doing business with the band since we wouldn't be of any help. 

The website was first developed and coded in 2003 by Denis Dubuisson. This current version was completely rebuilt and redesigned by Denis in 2023, for the 40th birthday of Fishbone's first show. 

Its contents have been contributed by the community on top of Denis' personal archives. Special thanks to Lionel (Nijumu) who scoured the internet and filled many blanks and who took on editing duties in the early 2010's. 

The website is not monetized and never will. It doesn't generate any financial resources and all the hosting and development costs are borne exclusively by Denis. If you want to contribute, Paypal is the way to go, but we'd rather have you contribute with your photos, reviews or setlists! 

Show Listing Policy 

Fishbonelive.org strives at presenting the most accurate information possible. Upcoming tour dates are listed when either

  • Fishbone, Fishbone's management or booking agent has confirmed a date. In this case the show status is "confirmed". 
  • A venue has advertised a date or has tickets for sale. If both conditions are met, the show status is "confirmed" ; if just one of these two conditions are met, the show status is "not confirmed

Only confirmed shows are listed as "cancelled" when cancelled. Others are just deleted. 

Shows for any artist or band with members associated with Fishbone as a member or past member can be listed under the same criteria. 

Contact us if you want a show listed that we wouldn't already know about. 

Media Credits and Copyright 

Fishbonelive.org is a not for profit website exclusively for informational, educational and research purposes. It might incorporate copyrighted material under the fair use doctrine, but acknowledges the rights of the copyright holders of media incorporated on the website and when possible credits the copyright holders. As most of the media are user-contributed, it is not always possible to check that these contributions are adequately credited and do not infringe on these rights. 

If you find material to which you own the copyright and that you want removed or adequately credited, don't hesitate to reach out