
i'm back from sacto & finally awake after only a few hours of sleep. mig & i drove back to san jose last night after the sacto show - got home about 5 am.
while mig napped beside me, my cd player broke down again over altamont pass. what a bummer - it's been sent in 2x now since my trip to LA. hopefully 3's a charm this time! must be a ford!
mig bought the new ep & we listened to that before the cd player died. i totally agree - i love the last track - the madd vibe one. i hear pezzimistic in there as well as a little bit of the oom shakalak tale. i was listening to the temple bar show when the stereo died.
we met froggy & her friend & tyler & his brother jeremy. i don't think jeremy was old enough to get in either! but they were stoked - i saw them having a
great time on the side of the stage, tried to get them in a picture i took of norwood. met a couple of fishbone live virgins & everyone was stoked
it was great to see keisha - i'll definitely buy her a drink at the usual. angelo was obviously under the weather - i think that's the first time that i haven't seen him or anyone else stage dive. i hope he's feeling better! spacey was on fire last night! the set list was a cool mix of oldies & new ones. i may be biased because of being at the temple bar show, but
go nuttz is really one of my new favorites! sunshine is one of my old time faves that i hadn't heard live in a while so that was way cool.
can't wait for tomorrow night at the usual! that's all for now - gotta get motivated for my mom's poetry reading in watsonville. spoken word - yeah!
see you at the usual!
:-) lisa

I fucking made it into Harlow's!!! I can't even describe the way I felt when I actually made it through those doors. I am still on a natural fishbone high from last night. I can't even talk about the show I am too excited. I just thought that I should write something for the list. An excellent, excellent first-fishbone-show experience. It was great meeting lisa and the rest from the list. Very, very friendly folks. Maybe I will write more about the show later.... but for now I have to go relish the memories while they are still fresh in my mind. Also I took a bunch of photos for anybody interested in putting them on a website or something. I got plenty of up close and personal norwood shots and a hefty share of Angelo/Spacey T shots. I should also add that Spacey T knows what the fuck he's doing! That man was going crazy last night. I was very impressed. I liked how he was playing some of the keyboard parts on his guitar...... I was very , very impressed. Anyways, I'll spill more later.
Before I say anything...guys...please! Keisha is working her ass off selling merch at these shows. Would someone get her a soda or check on her every so often? That's our girl and she puts up with SO much crap from us. Help her out, okay? Thanks! : ) I knew ya would
I hurt all over and I think I need a new ancle (what happened?) but last night at Harlow's in Sacramento was so incredible! Here's the set list...
Frey'd Nerves
Wit It
Go Nuttz
Ma & Pa
Devil Made
Give it up - AIDS
Lemon M
Red Hot
I don't remember exactly when but a couple of songs into the set Angelo left to go potty and they did Nuttmeg World. I must say, Walt was on FIRE last night. He was all spice on Wednesday in Chico, too. Part of the best thing about getting stepped on and kicked up front is being right there to hear all the crap he talks to the audience. He went off both nights at people yelling out requests. In Chico some drunk chick was yelling "Take it back to the Old School!!" So he said something like "F*ck you, you don't know anything about old school" We died laughing. He's so harsh sometimes but it's so cute! (She took it well by the way...a happy drunk). Last night he went off about how they are not a juke box. So remember next time you want to hear Cholly...go home and listen to the CD.
The opening band is also going to be with them at San Jose. I know no one wants to watch an opening band but they are really good. Make sure you get there in time to catch their set!
The new EP is for sale at the shows already. I listened to it on the way home last's really good but my favorite part so far is the Dr Maddvibe track. It's a bunch of your favorite pieces all in one with more fishbone-sounding music behind the vocals VS the dub stuff on Comprehensive Linkology. (As I recall anyway...I was driving home from the show and my ears are still ringing from I won't preach to the choir and tell you about how much you'll love it...I'm just passing the word that I'm e x c i t e d !
Lisa and Mig, it was great to see you at the show! See you and everyone else on Sunday in San Jose. And are so adorable! I'm glad you got in but next time you sneak into a club...don't tell anyone you snuck in until AFTER the show. K?