
It was great to meet y'all (Tina and Keisha) as well. I don't know if I've ever been so exhausted in my life. Skiing kicked the shite out of me. I am sooooooo outta shape. Angelo is very lucky he went with you Tina. My pathfinder wouldn't release from four wheel drive once it was engaged (ever since the drunk kid slammed into it) So I ended up having to travel most of the 100 plus miles at slower than 40 miles per hour (sorry you metric folks don't know the Kilometer conversion but let me just say that's really slow for the highway)
Funny, I saw more MTV in the time I spent with the guys on the bus than I've seen in the last three years. Wet Daddy, Walt, Ange, and Wood know waaaay tooo much about Justin and Britney, and the like ;-)
later, I adjourned to the back lounge with Walt, John, Spacey and Wood. Wood quietly flipped the TV's channel to HBO. Know what was on? The Vagina Monologues. It was rather interesting fodder for conversation.
X-Cuse Me Dr Madd Vibe
Nuttmeg World
Behaviour Control Technician
Monkey Dick
Karma Tsunami
Skank n' Go Nutts
Everyday Sunshine
Ma & Pa
Just Allow
Aids and Armaggedon
Freddys Dead
Sunless Saturday
Both shows were really good and plenty of people were there. The one in Winter Park was at this restaurant that has a little stage in the corner and they clear out the tables for shows. It was small but packed and the crowd was definitly into it from where I was standing (trying to stand!) up front on the side of the pit. It was also cool because I got to meet Dave from the list hope you and your friend had a safe drive home). Sarah - I loved the new hoodies, everybody check those out!