My fiance' and I arrived about twenty minutes before the first band performed to FINALLY meet up with Steve, and an extremely nice individual, Marie from Belgium.
The first band was your typical sublime influenced jam band. They were kinda bland and longwinded (Steve can attest to this!) through their set, but still some talented musicians.
Next up was Fishbone. The guys played a great set in my opinion, and I believe they definitely gained some new fans. Steve and I both had people tell us how "Intense" these guys were, and they couldn't believe that they had never heard of them before.
Wood seemed a little under the weather as Steve mentioned, but everyone did a tight job as a whole. John McKnight played trombone as well as guitar, and Pastor Dre played some accoustic guitar as well. Rocky was also heard pretty clearly through the mix.
The crowd kinda sucked, as it consisted of very few Fishbone fans and a majority of drunken frat boys and sorority girls. A fight even broke out in the crowd in front of me and my fiance'. Well, I guess that's what you get when you condense that many meatheads into a small area.
Hi everybody,
I was at the show with Steve, Jaime and his girlfriend.
I am from Belgium and decided to go to a Fishbone gig for my birthday.
I was glad there was other fans with me.
Havin' seen Fishbone in Brussels this February, I must admit their performance was under the usual Fishbone level.
It was strange to me to see them as opening band and to have just one hour show.
But still, they stay the best band ever.
Marie from Belgium
I'll leave out the drama I went through to get to this show!
having seen the boys in Orlando the night before, it was nice to go from the 3,000 person (or whatever) to the 300 person Freebird Cafe. I definitely prefer the "more intimate" environment. I thought the performance was a bit sharper in Jax, but Wood and JS felt like O'ville was a better show... go figure.
Hooked up with Jaime, his fiance' (FINALLY!) and hung out before the show and a bit after...
The band was fine, putting on a fairly typical Fishbone show. These are my first without Walt and I must say, for me, it'll likely never be as captivating.
So, nothing new and exciting to report other than it was, by far, the most expensive hour of music show I've ever been to and I hope I get away easier next time!
Steve S.