Poble Nou - Barcelona, Spain
Tue 24 Oct 2006
5. Ma & Pa
7. Date Rape
8. Premadawnutt
13. Alcoholic
17. Sunless Saturday
21. Frey'd Fucking Nerve Endingz [Not Played]
22. Servitude [Not Played]
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Great show as always. Fishbone hadn't been to Barcelona since 2001, or 2002 at the same venue; an obscure heavy metal club complete with chained up cross hanging on a wall at the back. I was surprised that there was even anybody at the show at all because I had seen no promo whatsoever for the show and less than a week before the show the tickets were not to be found on sale anywhere. I talked to a friend who worked with the promotor and he said that they had only had time to make "small posters". They must have been very small and if they really even did exist probably didn't make it out of a pile in the promotor's office.
Even so, there was a crowd of maybe around 70 people there who fishbone proceeded to seriously rock out. We danced for about two and a half hours straight and the crowd was still not ready to let fishbone leave after the first 20 minute or so encore.
The setlist was similar to the others from prior gigs on this tour; lots of songs off the new album, mixed in with bone classics. It seemed to lean towards a fairly clearly ska oriented sound and I must say I miss a little bit more of the funky stuff.
The club was a shithole and it's a shame they couldn't play somewhere else. If seventy people got there without promo they could have certainly gotten a better crowd in a better venue with even just a little promo. I've been to packed fishbone shows in small towns in France, so I don't know why the hell somebody can't organise a decent show in BCN. After all it only is one of the best live acts in history.
The sound was decent only towards the back of the club, and they didn't have any lights on from the front so the band was left frustrartingly in the dark. Imagine seeing a show without geting the energy from being able to see Angelo's face, yet he still had the crowd eating out of his hand. He did some swimming and dancing in the crowd.
After the show I got the new CD and waited around a bit to say hi to some of the band members but they were swarmed with fans blown away by the show. Everyone I ran into that I knew at the show seemed to beleft in a great mood by the concert. Now can't wait to see them again in the Netherlands in a couple weeks . . . . . . .. .