New York, New York
Sat 29 Nov 2008
Knitting Factory
Support Act(s)
6. Give it Up
8. Date Rape
9. Ma & Pa
10. Cholly
11. Alcoholic
13. Freddie's Dead
15. Sunless Saturday
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They ended with PARTY AT GROUND ZERO, at which point Norwood, Merv and Dre left the stage. Then, Angelo, McKnight, Wet Daddy and Rocky busted out a hilarious improv (at least I think it was an improv) that I would call IF YOU LIKED THIS SHOW, BUY SOMETHING BLUES. It was 12 bar blues chording over which Angelo riffed about the T shirts, CD's and other merch available in the rear at the bar. Never heard it before and laughed my ass off.
Otherwise, it was as described in the previous review. Playing was really tight, house sound good, song selection great if not particularly surprising and the Knit was its old swampy crowded self. It's moving to Brooklyn in 2009 and I can't imagine it will be anything like the LES Knit where so many great shows went down. Another big loss for the NYC live music scene.