I picked up a shirt at the beginning, and then got a nice Angelo signature on it and a nice chat.
Kid Rock opened, and pretty much sucked. In case no one knows yet, he raps, but has a full backing band and a DJ. So lots of bass, some metal, and some trailer park rap. The weirdest part is when he brings up his partner in rhyme who is a kid about seven years old. It got too loud and obnoxious, so I just went to the other side of the club where the pool table was at. The club had a little smoke booth for the band (it usually houses lots of reggae, so it's all about mass amounts of weed before the show). Just walking by the door of the little room you caught a big draft. All three of the new FB members were out in the crowd the entire time.
The club was a pretty cool place to see them at. Small place, but nice in the way they have the overhead monitors set up there. There are no monitors in the front of the stage, so Angelo would get right down in our faces. He had me sing the la, la, la in Lyin'. He started their set by reading a poem, Jah Jah on the Telephone. I'll write the set list up as it is since my brain is so tired right now that I think copying is all I can do: maskaraid, unyielding, alcoholic, ma + pa, if i..., pressure, beergut, bonin', problems, zilla, behaviour, sunless, facism, rockstar, black box, junkie maker, question, party, skankin', lyin', a selection, just allow, give it up, deep inside, warmth, (zilla is VTTLOTFDGF just so you aren't confused). It was truly a great show.
Unfortunately, my ride back home pulled me out of there immediately afterwards, so i didn't get a chance to hang around at all. It was two a clock though when the show ended, and Fishbone's set had lasted for three hours. The new drummer is pretty intense and plays with a hell of a lot of energy, obviously what is needed to fit in with F-bone. Though the crowd kept yelling for Angelo to swim, he never did, but I don't think anyone in the crowd did either. OK, I've got to get to bed now before I fall over at the keyboard. :)

I arived at the club early to see the soundcheck and see if the band
could sneak me in, being it was an 18+ show. The soundcheck consisted of
"Beer Gut", "Just Allow", and "Pray to the Junkie Maker". After the
soundcheck I talked to Spacey T about getting in and he was real cool
and put me on the guest list. The opening band Kid Rock were white rap
kinda stuff, I thought they pretty much sucked. It was about 12:00 when
Fishbone hit the stage. They put on a great show and they were tight as
hell. I thought the new drummer Dion was really good. Only needed help
for the intro for one song. They played a great 2 1/2 hour set and it
was one of the best shows I've ever seen. xRYANx, I bag to differ with
you about Dowd. I think they still have it together. Oh yeah by the way
I asked Angelo about the Friends of Fishbone album. He said he spoke w/
Perry or something. He said the CD will contain all new songs and will
be out in January hopefully.
Here's the set list:
Maskaraid Junkie Maker
Unyielding Question
Alcoholic Party
Ma & Pa Skankin'
If I... Lyin' Ass Bitch
Pressure A Selection
Beer Gut Just Allow
Bonin' Give it Up
Problems Deep Inside
Black Box
$17 ticket/all ages. Obnoxious Rapper, Kid Rock also on the bill.
(I drove 5 hours up to Cinci from Nashville.
I drew the Fishbone the logos on my head, and dressed in all red.
Met up with another soldier on the list before the show.)
Angelo was spinning tracks up in the corner when I came in, so I bought a shirt and a Dr. Madvibe video for $40, and got him sign 'em (he actually yelled down to offer). I asked him about the Hollywood Records deal and he said, they're "still tryin". He like my idea to try to get Mr. Bungle on the Friends of FB album. He sat outside with about 6 of us fans and chatted just before the Fishbone set. (The guy's a national treasure, and this was an honor.)
Long setlist but no encore. Small, but full club, tiny stage. Angelo didn't have room to do his thing, but did a cool forward tumble entrance - from the pit up to the stage. He then used a poem as the intro. Norwood looked TIRED!
The new drummer was a lot better than I expected. He had his confident fills and played the punk stuff firmly up to speed, especially on "Warmth". I know I left the obvious stuff out, but I am a spaghetti brain now after no sleep and gotta go to my 9am class. So, I'll let the tomorrow-Rob post the setlist and stuff.
Kid Rock was awful. This fool will never make it unless illiteracy completely takes over.