
Hi everyone. I just got up so if I make up words or spell them really bad, please ignore it! **Welcome to the list Mig!** I guess I'll be seeing you Sunday in San Jo. : ) Here's how it went last night in Chico at La Salles...
Ma & Pa
Skank N Go Nutts
Wit It
Heat of Anger
Monkey Dick
It was a long long set and my ears are still ringing. They looked really good and I'm looking forward to Friday and Sunday! We gonna have a good time! Anyhow here's the merch situation so you have an idea of how much ya might spend at your next show...
2 Different Hooded Sweatshirts!
*Grey in Large or XL, zip up $40-$45
*Black in XL or XXL (yea all you big guys!) $35-$40
A couple of different T's...I think they're about 20 still
*Orange shirt w/Angelo fish L and XL
*Black L and XL
*Girly Dr. Maddvibe white shirt. I have one of those I got last year in
Santa Anita and I don't like the frilly sleeves. I'm gonna cut em. But
that's just me. It's a cool shirt otherwise. One size.
*Poster/Flats $5
*Stickers/postcards $2
and of course, Dirty Walt, Dr Maddvibe, and psycotic friends CD's...$15 I
See ya at the shows!
froggy !
One thing I hate about reviewing shows is that many times, I have to show up alone and there is no one to talk shit with. I need that; I can't be in a room full of people I don't know for too long. I either offend or ignore them, it's not just 'cause I'm a dick, that's part of it, but mainly I'm just not good at meeting new people. And I was stuck forever in this bar that I don't normally frequent, all alone. I chained smoked and drank more beer than I meant to waiting for a friend to show up. I left work early to catch this show and I was starting to regret it, Fenix Down had been playing this droning intro that seemed to last for hours, it sounded like a heavier Pink Floyd, or some hippie crap like that, then the first song started and I was a little more enthusiastic. They still have a bit of a psychedelic sound, but that can also come from having so many instruments going at the same time, two guitars, a bass, a drummer and a singer who alternates between the keyboard and an acoustic guitar. They really weren't my thing, but you can't deny their talent, I think they could simplify their sound a little, and maybe lose the acoustic guitar, as it tends to get lost in the mix. The guitar interplay is great, and the drumming is top notch, but the most enjoyable thing to watch was the singer's Joe Cocker style arm fits, kind of funny that a guy who has physical Turret's would sing a song about someone with a deformity. Sorry guys, just kidding; my only real complaint is that the songs are much too long for my short attention span. I would probably go and see them again, but I'd get high first.
Just as Fenix Down were ending their set, my friend showed up, we got another beer, and I ranted about the band he had missed, and he pointed out that the drummer from Glider was a girl in a red Catholic school girl uniform. This seemed promising, so I watched the rest of the band take the stage and hoped that they were the roadies setting up their gear, but they weren't. Just three plain old guys, one with a guitar, one with a bass and one with an electric fiddle. I don't know what to call their music, I just know I didn't like it. The fiddle was slightly reminiscent of Flogging Molly, but that was the only good part. They seemed a little too poppy and trendy for their own good. More of a novelty act than anything. If they come back to town don't waste your time.
After a short wait, Angelo from Fishbone took the stage as his alter ego Dr. Mad Vibe, to recite a hilarious and thought-provoking poem about a character called "Boom-Shack-Alack." It was a few minutes long and ended with a roar of laughter. By the time he finished, the rest of the guys were set up and ready to go they opened with "Everyday Sunshine." The last time I saw them, Angelo told me to "Fuck Off!" when I requested it; that shows just how consistent these guys are. But as inconsistent as they are, they put on a great show. They played old ones like "Lyin' Ass Bitch," and songs from the new E.P. This being the first night of the tour you could hardly tell, they were on it. The new guitarist is amazing; I would trade my left one to play like that. I even got a rise out of Angelo by requesting "Jamaica Ska" from the "Back to the Beach" soundtrack, he looked at me and said, "Yeah, you're a funny motherfucker!" This was a great set by a great band if you didn't go you missed the fuck out.
- Dirty Jim Preston