
Yes tha ABBEY wuz hhaahhht Saturday as wuz Fishbone!
My luv dropped me off 'bout 9:30 aftah a smooth 5 hour roadtrip.
No sooner had I stepped into tha club I ran right up into two
wuvwee Fishbone Soldierettes,Tina and Keisha! That in and of itself wuz
wurth tha trip! Tha opener wuz forgetable but thier two guitar
attack did tha job. Spoke to'em after tha show and they said that
half of them met for tha first time just a month prior. Tina and I
went up stairs for seats and checked out KING's X through tha crowd
while Keisha wuz hardcore on tha floor. Tha contrast between Fishbone
and KING's X fans is distinct and amusin'. Both are dedicated and
enthusiastic. KING's X fans had feet rooted to tha floor, slight nod
to tha beat, rarely a fullfledged headbang and occasionally a pumpin'
fist. I'm tryin' to remember, did a KX fan ever clap thier hands outside
of applause? Totally appropriate display though. I found myself doin'
tha same. It fits tha music. I own only two KX discs
and am familiar with a handfull of other tunes heard on radio. Much of
what KX played I recognized. They were very tight and some sweet
improv wuz goin' on. Doug Pinnick is a great lead man. He connects and
is a very soulfull vocalist and all are exceptional musicians. I will
look to see KX again with or without Fishbone. I also will be fillin'
out my KX collection. Of course as we know all too well
Fishbone fans be clownin' fools! Fishbone got on late and further still
technical difficulties required an additional 10-15 min soundcheck after
change over! A Fishbone 'jam' sound check can almost
be seen as a bonus but what we got wuz Tito tha road manager doin mic
checks forevah! Tito is very serious 'bout his job! Dude's all buisness
and I'm glad cuz sumbody gotta be! As an example of how live this
Chicago crowd wuz- Tito wuz doin' this repeatative
" Heh Heh,Hoe Hoe! " and then " More,give me more! " Tha crowd started
mimickin' Tito and then twisted it into 'loud sex' sound effects. We
were havin' alot of fun with it! Tito I don't think even noticed. With
tha heat and all thangs got real fonkay! Tha level of variation
in Fishbone musical arrangement is at a alltime high for this line up!
Speakin' to Wood in Cinci he said very recently he's felt tha band
overcome a creative plateau. Wood said tha new stuff bein' writin' and
recorded now will be an expansion of what they accomplished with TEMPLE
BAR and will reflect tha recent melding of tha band's collective musical
skills and personalities. They purchased a little
4track to record new stuff while on tha road. Wood wuz very tight lipped
'bout new material sitein' tha HENHOUSE incident. On stage Walt
mentioned people stealin' thier shit on tha internet and suggested
strongly that tha Mutha Fukahs buy it fer real! To add
some missin' pieces to Simon's list;
Problems Bonin'
I might be mixin' up tha Cinci show with Chicago and at both shows
I've noticed no setlists anywhere. They could be playin' without a hard
copy. There were flyin' fish durin' a number of tunes but durin'
SWIM this fine African goddess did a 1on1 swim on stage with Angelo and
proceeded to stage dive afterwards. As good as tha show wuz in Cinci
Fishbone fed off of tha excitement and enthusiasum of tha Chicago crowd,
makin' it twice as good! Chicago has such fantastic souljahs. Everytime
I make tha trip I see many of tha same faces.
So much love and unbridled celebration! I've had tha pleasure to meet
alot of cool Souljahs at every show. L.A. wuz az phat az hell! I expect
D.C. and N.Y.C. be representin' as well! So much of Chicago's
enthusiasm seems to come from a possitive stress relief and a
desperation of sorts. I think in tha midwest there's alot less options
for folks with an alternative non-mainstream outlook. I look forward to
testin' this theory further in other parts of this nuttmeg werld. Where
were you hidin' Simon?? Me - red hair,light blue 70's ruffled tuxedo
shirt and black slacks,white dude 6'1" bout 175.
Thank you Chicago!

I was waiting for Jeff to be our spokesperson but as I seem to be at home
right now with some unusually free time, I will write a brief review....
Apparently the show was sold out so that explains why it was packed. I am
not sure what explains the lack of fans or air conditioning or open doors so
that we wouldnt all be quite so hot. Aside from that slight grumble, and
yeah the stage there was quite small, it was a fun show. Cant think of any
songs aside from the ones Simon2 already listed. We didnt meet any other
list members which was a shame, but after an occasion or two where you go up
to several people fitting a given description and its not the person you
kind of give-up or get shy or something. Spacey T was quite animated during
the show, and Norwood was wearing that "thing" that other people have
mentioned (the one which has bare sides and you can see, well, his "thing"
if he turns and walks), and Walt was a doing the "happy people" dedication
that some others have also mentioned. Angelo had people getting up on stage
then getting them to dive off which was fun - I had left the front and gone
up into the 'oldies' section on the balcony-type-thing by that time so I had
a cool view. Some guy up there was video taping the show but, no, I didnt
talk to him so sorry for those who are about to write in and ask where they
can get a copy! Besides he seemed to be filming it through the manky
plexi-glass instead of a bit further over where it would be just between the
railings -- guess that makes it artsy??
Its a shame they started late and so the club was eager for them to finish
up and ended up turning off the lights and mikes etc on them. No-one wanted
to leave but atleast it was still a full set and longer than a time the
other year at the Cubby Bear where they were only allowed to play for maybe
half an hour; or the time at Navy Pier where too many people got on stage to
dance and the venue called the police and shut the show down -- apparently
Jeff, Keisha and I were all at that show but we didnt know each other then,
hurrah for the list!!
Wow!! I don't know if the Chicago soldiers just got lucky, but the Bone rocked my ass on Saturday night. I don't remember the openers name, but they were forgettable at best. King's X put on a solid show and seemed to be in excellent spirits as it was a semi-homecoming for them.. The lead singer was born just outside of Chicago and they put in a bit of time on the Chicago scene before relocating to Texas. The crowd seemed to be quite into them as well. And what a funny crowd with at least 1/4 of the crowd 30 and up(with quite a few balding greyheads upstairs) After King's X, it looked like the crowd started to thin, but as soon as the Bone took the stage it seemed quite full again. The stage at The Abbey Pub is a little small to my liking for Fishbone to be playing on and they seemed ready to bust the place open just on sheer presence. The crowd stayed hot the entire show with a few flying fish including a dive from the balcony by Angleo. I brought 3 virgins with me and they all left truly impressed.
(On a side note, to whoever it was that kept recommending to send Fishbone on a jam band tour-2 of my virgins were jam band fans and they left amazed. I've never seen one of them dance around as much as he did.)These are the songs I can remember off the top of my head(in no particular order), although I know they played more.
Party At Ground ZeroLyin' Ass BitchA SelectionChollyMa And PaEveryday Sunshine SwimLemon Meringue Karma Tsunami Skankin To The BeatSkank n Go Nuts Fishbone Is Red Hot-played as the encore with no vocals. I love Fishbone!!!!!!Simon2