Rennes, France
Wed 09 Mar 2005
Support Act(s)
4. Premadawnutt
6. Ma & Pa
10. Alcoholic
11. Ugly
13. The Suffering
18. Lyin' Ass Bitch
19. Jackass Brigade
20. Servitude
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Well, back at the UBU, the first gig without Dirty Walt or Spacey T. Well a pretty good show though, we miss you Walt...
First the pace was a bit slower compared to last year tour, but it was a real pleasure to listen to the old songs too. The feeling I got from this show was it's still real good high-level music, but a bit too clean compared to the furyness and crazyness of the gigs I'd seen with Spacey and Walt.
Too clean and a bit too slow some times. All the new musicians did a great job, but the audience was not all Fishbone soldiers only (far from it). And there was not that such response to the band from them. a quiet gig but a good one.