
Thank you. I can't believe I forgot "Pressure." I knew they played "Riot," but somehow I was convincing myself that I must have slipped that in when I was thinking about "Deep Inside." I even had "Riot" stuck in my head all day yesterday because they played it. Aside from the performance, I saw lots of people I don't see very often, met the wonderful KCholly and B Ho Brandon, finally. He headed toward Norwood after we met him, and then I lost him. Nice to meet you, and I'm glad you didn't miss another one! I also found the guy that sang the Spanish verse of One Planet People at the October Austin show. Thanks Houston folks for looking out for him. Turns out he's from Dallas, he just happens to have traveled to Houston for shows as well.
Mike T

Saturday night was one of those really good Fishbone shows. Two local bands played before AKP (who the club never advertised). The first was Gentleman Jake, a ska/pop kind of thing (based on the 3 or 4 songs I caught). They seemed to be a pretty decent band, although the naked chick on stage kind of distracted some folks from the band. Then was Elixir, the only band beside Fishbone listed on the tickets. I had never heard of them, but they brought in a dozen or so vocal friends to support them, possibly including the guy I mentioned in another post that was blown away by Norwood. They seemed to be mostly influenced by recent Metallica and actually had an acoustic guitar player. AKP played, and it's funny, at the beginning of the first song the three mc's were doing the hunchback hop thing, and just like you guys said, they each had their own version of the rhythm (up, down, halfway up on the downstroke). They did all keep the same tempo, though. I don't really think they deserve the ripping they've been getting, although, no, they're not very new, fresh, exciting, or varied, and thanks, but I'll pass on buying the record.
Fishbone came on just after midnight to a large and lively crowd. They started with an intro that may have been 30 seconds or so of "Nuttmeg World." Then knocked out "Don't Call That Man A Pussy" (KCholly, I think you mixed up your setlists, if you're trying to keep those straight) and " Nuttmeg World." Based on memory, and not in order, they played:
Skankin' to the Beat
Lyin' Ass Bitch
Karma Tsunami
Ma and Pa
Just Allow
Skank n' Go Nuttz
Shakey Ground (with AKP, and a little Parliament riffing toward the end)
Sunless Saturday
Behaviour Control Technician
The Suffering
One Planet People
Deep Inside
this is all I can think of during the set, then the encore:
In the Heat of Anger
AIDS & Armageddon (this might be the song where Spacey went off into Jimi's
"Who Knows"
Party at Ground Zero
Many songs were extended, usually by sax solos, due to lots of mic problems. Angelo later said that almost ruined the show for him, but on the audience side of the stage it was a Fishbone ass kickin'. I think "Karma" is even better than it was in October, as is a lot of the new material. And "Spankin' Donuts" is a jam. I was expecting something more in the "Skankin' to the Beat" vein, but, no (not that there's anything wrong with THAT). And it has a tempo change that is super groovalicious. So, Yay! Spearhead (better every time, after 6 years) and Fishbone in the same week. If only I hadn't forgotten to go see Steel Pulse last night. Somebody kick me.
Mike T
Oh, HELL yes, Mike! (they also performed "Riot" and "Pressure" ) That show was really good. Only a couple minor problems. I've witnessed a better show.(I think?) The 2 FB virgins I brought to the show were amazed by the experience. And they really didn't know many if any songs to begin with. My homie, Paul(who was thrown out of the Oct. show at the Backroom, before FB even came on, for being intoxicated in an Austin drinking establishment and for being Paul at the same time) now realizes why I kept suggesting the idea of following the band thru the 4 Texas tour stops. I didn't go to the San Antonio show because I'm stupid like that sometimes. No other reason. Also, Paul just could not believe the display of energy and the effort put forth for a small, but full house. I could not believe that a bar hosting a show with a good chance of creating a mosh/slam/crowd swimming pit would still serve glass bottles of beer. Of course I was not suprised that not a bottle was thrown in stupidity.
Damn! I do regret just barely meeting you and Leslie for only a second right after the show. (I'm talking about the just barely part) Was that KCholly with you and Leslie when I came up to y'all? Durn! Them gals shore is purty!
Also, was that Everett(Norwood's son) working the merchandise table? That young kid seemed like he was the most intelligent person in the place. After the show, I was buying Walt's CD and that kid was talking to Norwood about how during the show, some shyster under-paid him and got way with it. I then asked Norwood to sign the flyer that I removed from the doorway after their performance. I grabbed Everett's(?) ink pen from the table to get the autograph. After he finished, Norwood handed me the pen and I accidently stole it from Everett. I swear I didn't mean to do it. I am sorry! I still have it, if any trade offers come up. ; )